Notice: Open Burn Ban in Washington and Quincy Township


WAYNESBORO- Washington Township manager, Jeffery Geesaman, has issued a ban on all open burning in Washington Township effective Tuesday, June 6, at noon, as per Chapter 128, Code of the Township of Washington, Franklin County, Pennsylvania.

Township supervisors said  the ban is being issued because of the number or reported fires breaking out in current dry conditions.  

Residents can contact the township at their new location, 11798 Buchanan Trail East in Waynesboro and at 717-762-3128

Alan Peck, Chairman of the Quincy Township Supervisors, has also issued an Open Burn Ban in Quincy Township.

The statements reads:
Due to County and State weather and fire warnings and in accordance with Quincy Township Ordinance #65, Amendment #17, Alan Peck, Supervisor Chairman, on behalf of the Quincy Township Board of Supervisors, has issued a ban on all burning until further notice: “ Effective immediately , it shall be unlawful for any person to burn rubbish, trash, lumber, leaves, straw, wastepaper, or any other combustible material within the township limits.”

Quincy township residents can reach the municipality at 7575 Mentzer Gap Road, in Waynesboro and at 717-762-5679.

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