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Where do you get accurate “local news” from the immediate area?
- Television and cable? Not unless there is a major local tragedy.
- Local newspapers? We can all agree they don’t cover local stories anymore even as they keep the banners of all our old local papers.
- Social Media? Fast observations and a lot of speculation. They have a role and a place, but are they accurate? Would you base life decisions on these sources?
Local-area residents formed LocalNews1.org to provide you vetted, accurate and timely information from our immediate area. For $4.99 a month, Local.News1.org gives you:
Real, verified news from communities in SE Franklin & NE Washington Counties.
Stories about businesses, non-profits, the schools and school sports, churches, clubs, municipalities . . . everything local, five days a week.
- Business advertising and classified ads to share what you are selling, and buy what is locally available.
- One place to go for everything local, organized so you can navigate to all our stories.
If you’re looking for accurate, reliable news from in and around SE Franklin & NE Washington Counties, join us.
Just $4.99 / month
First Month 99¢