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Submit a Story

Got a story to tell? News to release?

Let us know!

We’ll help you tell your stories.  Let us know who is doing what, when, where and why.  Send a picture.  We’ll get back to you for more information if needed. 


Submitting information is EASY!

  • Send us an email ([email protected]) and include the who/what/when/where in the body of the email or as an attached Word doc.
  • Submit a photo if you have one–.JPG or .PNG format. Please caption the photo or at least identify who is in it and who took the photo.
  • Include your contact information so we know who to reach out to if we have questions.

Weather Forecast

Saturday, July 27
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clear sky
Sunday, July 28
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clear sky
Monday, July 29
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few clouds
Tuesday, July 30
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light rain
Wednesday, July 31
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broken clouds
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