Enjoy a fasnacht today, just in moderation


HAGERSTOWN, Md. — It’s Fasnacht Day!

We know you want to snack on those potato-flour doughnuts that find their way onto plates the day before the start of Lent.

But if you’re keeping your Go For Bold goals in mind, you might be telling yourself you can’t partake in the food fun this Mardi Gras.

After all, a traditional fasnacht is made with sugar, salt and lard, all things not exactly known for being healthy.

We say, go ahead and enjoy the tradition and celebrate Fat Tuesday — within reason.

Meritus Bariatric Dietitian Hannah Dinterman, RD, LDN, suggests limiting yourself to just one treat. Or, if it’s a bigger fasnacht, try splitting it with a friend.

“Eat it slowly and savor it, and then move on,” Dinterman says. “Don’t keep any leftovers sitting around.”

So enjoy your sweet treat, but do it in moderation.

To learn more about Go For Bold — the 10-year goal for Washington County to lose 1 million pounds by 2030 — go to healthywashingtoncounty.com/goforbold.

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