Cameron Schroy Launches General Election Campaign for Pennsylvania State Senate


Cameron Schroy has swiftly constructed a sturdy political profile, built on a foundation of education and civic advocacy. After winning the Democratic nomination, unchallenged in the recent primary election, Schroy now seeks to unseat incumbent Republican Doug Mastriano in the November 5, 2024 general election. The office is the State Senate seat from Pennsylvania’s 33rd district, which represents citizens of Franklin and Adams Counties.

Schroy is a Greencastle native and rising star in Franklin County’s Democratic Party. A Waynesboro civics teacher by profession, he demonstrates a firm grasp of the political and social issues that impact local voters. Schroy hopes his progressive ideas will gain traction in a conservative district. “I look forward to meeting people and making an impression,” Schroy said. “People want a State Senator who is concerned with making their lives better.”

This race is the biggest stage for Schroy so far in his budding political career. He ran for Greencastle’s School Board in 2021, and for Franklin County Commissioner in 2023. While neither campaign won sufficient votes, Schroy says he learned valuable lessons that prepare him for this upcoming contest against Mastriano. “This Senate position is important, and I respect the challenge I’m facing.” No Democrat has held the 33rd Senate seat since 1940.

But Schroy is optimistic about his chances for success this fall. He noted another Greencastle Democrat named Bill Shuman held a State Rep seat in this conservative region in recent history. “It takes the right Democrat to win here,” Schroy said. “I believe I’m that candidate.” When he was asked about strategy to engage with voters, Schroy smiled and said: “I plan to go everywhere and talk to everybody.”

The candidate also stressed he would concentrate his efforts on local issues that concern potential constituents and skip the distraction of the national presidential campaign. “My job as State Senator will be to go to Harrisburg and bring back the funding Franklin and Adams County citizens deserve and need.”

Schroy will make the best use of a teacher’s typical summer break to concentrate on his campaign. He plans to build his fundraising and outreach programs through volunteers and help from the Democratic Party. Then in September, Schroy will initiate his final drive to win voter support in both counties.

In addition, the Forward Party endorsed Schroy a few weeks ago, lauding his political ideology. The centrist organization will also offer logistical and financial support. Andrew Yang, one of Forward Party’s founders, and also a former Democratic presidential candidate, said: “Cameron Schroy is an energetic and idealistic young man with a long history of public service. Who better to serve in government than a lifelong civics teacher?”

Pennsylvania’s Senate is currently controlled by conservatives (28 Republicans versus 22 Democrats) and Schroy and others in PA politics have clear aspirations for the upcoming election. If Democrats can flip four Republican seats, Senate control will return to the Democrats. Schroy hopes to be a valuable asset in that potential conversion.

As a teacher, Schroy says his occupation makes him well-equipped for political office. “Being an educator teaches the ability to work and cooperate with people and move solutions forward.” Schroy believes Pennsylvania’s education system could be improved by lowering dependencies on standardized testing, while raising learning benchmarks. Fully funded public schools are a priority and Schroy stresses that needed money should be spent wisely, with less public financial dollars siphoned by Charter Schools.

Schroy serves on Greencastle’s Water Authority Board and says clean water is the hallmark for a healthy environment. He believes climate change is real and Pennsylvania should develop and utilize more renewable sources of energy.

If elected to the State Senate, Schroy promises to support policies that strengthen native Pennsylvania businesses and attract new employers to the Commonwealth. He is an advocate for empowered workers and thinks state government can be a valuable partner in economic development.

Regarding healthcare, Schroy pushes for immediate legislative action to combat unaffordable medical services. “The cost of healthcare is crushing Pennsylvania’s families,” Schroy said. He favors lowering drug prices and recruiting and training more medical staff to give citizens better access to necessary treatment. Schroy also regards mental health issues as having the same importance as other forms of medical care.

Preserving democracy is another key element in Schroy’s political platform. “The right to vote is sacred and we should never allow state officials or legislatures to overturn election results because they do not like them.” Schroy favors mail-in voting and opposes any restrictions on citizen’s voting rights. He also feels strict dollar limits should be put in place for campaign contributions to allow citizens fairer inclusion in the political process.

When Schroy looks ahead to challenges he faces unseating an incumbent, his approach will be to intelligently interact with voters to show his policies benefit all citizens in the 33rd district. While no debates with Mastriano have been scheduled yet, Schroy says he’d welcome any opportunity to exchange policy ideas in a public forum.

In private life, Schroy- who says “I’m a proud Democrat”- has honored his respect for the opinions and values of conservatives- his wife is a Republican. The couple is expecting their first child this fall, due around Election Day.

As current Chair of the Franklin County Democratic Party, Schroy has also practiced his belief that the conservative-based 33rd district needs credible candidates from all political persuasions to engage in discussions with voters. Schroy’s goal: “I want to use my voice to work for the area’s citizens and for all Pennsylvanians”, Schroy said. “I’m the fighter who is ready to take on tough challenges that lie ahead.”

Schroy’s campaign will hold a fundraiser in Greencastle on June 8th and more information about the candidate is available on his website:

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