Sharing the Warmth of Christmas: Salvation Army Seeks Help for Annual Feast and Deliveries


Christmas, for many, conjures images of family gatherings and merriment. But for some in our community, especially the elderly and isolated, the holiday can be a stark reminder of loneliness and forgotten connections.

That’s where the Salvation Army in Chambersburg steps in, year after year, spreading Christmas cheer and ensuring no one feels alone. This year, they’re once again preparing a special Christmas Day feast and delivering meals and gifts to those unable to leave their homes throughout Franklin County.

The heartwarming impact of this initiative is undeniable. Just last year, a man receiving his meal confided that the photo album he received was his only Christmas gift. Tears in his eyes, he expressed his gratitude for being remembered and not left to face the day entirely alone.

This Christmas, the Salvation Army aims to replicate that joy for hundreds more. The doors to their Chambersburg building will be open from noon to 2 p.m. on Christmas Day, offering a warm meal and companionship to all who come. Additionally, dedicated volunteers will deliver meals and gifts between 10 and 11:30 a.m, ensuring no one is left out of the festive spirit.

However, this mission requires the generosity of our community. The Salvation Army is seeking donations of gifts for seniors, emphasizing that thoughtfulness matters more than extravagance. Last year, they served nearly 800 people at the building and delivered meals and gifts to countless homes.

To make this Christmas truly special, they also need food donations and helping hands. Wrapping presents, delivering meals, and cooking the feast all require willing volunteers to spread the holiday spirit.

If you’re looking for a way to make a meaningful difference this Christmas, consider reaching out to Lynne Newman at 717-263-2151 or 717-360-2407. Whether it’s donating a gift, a helping hand, or some extra food, your contribution will ensure that no one in Franklin County spends Christmas alone.

Let’s join hands this holiday season and help the Salvation Army make Christmas a day of warmth, joy, and shared humanity for all.

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