SPORTS FOCUS: A mad, mad, mad, mad world


I sometimes believe I was born out of time.

I should have been born in the 1800s, when life, though not simpler, was not consumed with the trappings of the postmodern world.

No thermonuclear weapons. No apocalyptic technology that threatens to subvert and enslave the minds, bodies, and souls of humanity. No cars, which means, no road rage, no car payments and no tragic accidents that maim, scar, or kill.

No processed and packaged foods which can cause cancer. No digital platforms, powered by radiation-emitting energy. No Extinction Life Event on a global scale.

But I wasn’t born in the 1800s. My curiosity about the 19th century will have to rest with recorded history (or, should I say, versions of history). I could have met my favorite writers – Herman Melville, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Not that the 1800s was a veritable paradise, what with the atrocities committed in the name of westward expansion, the rise of the railroad barons and central bankers, and, of course, the Civil War, otherwise known as War Between the States.

What a time it was, a time it was it was.

I was born in 1962. Too young to know what was going on in my young life, one that overlapped the Vietnam War, the Phoenix Program, the monumental collapse of the 1964 Philadelphia Phillies, psychological warfare, and COINTEL PRO.

Life has been a blip on a screen. I could have flatlined any number of times along the way: like the time when I was two years old and began a long walk to Franklin Field to catch up with my father at a Philadelphia Eagles game, or the time I rear-ended a pickup truck on a bridge in my former hometown of Millville, New Jersey.

I’m here, and so are you. Are you happy? Are you content with your circumstances? Do you have a condition? Or do you have a situation? We all do.

It’s called life. More than that, it’s called life in the Age of Revelation: a time like no other in history in which conditions are more than favorable for global totalitarianism and tyrannical dictatorship. The existence of surveillance technology, the collapse of the family, rising violent crime, endless wars, the devaluation of human life, political instability, and the list goes on and on.

The doomsday clock is ticking closer to midnight. But we are under the spell of an induced coma and really have no clue how close we are to the tyrannical dictatorship. We’re drunk on gambling, booze, and entertainment (this includes sports).

The fig tree is about to give forth figs.

I’m concerned about predictive programming depicting killer tsunamis and plagues that reduce populations to walking vampire zombies (like shown in the movie starring Will Smith called I Am Legend). Call it what you want, but it’s not just entertainment, what you see on television or at the cinema. I happen to subscribe to the paradigm that we do indeed live in a scripted world, and that the past is prologue.

When someone says, ‘Truth is stranger than fiction’, well, it’s true.

Do you remember the film ‘The Truman Show’? That’s us – you and me. And there’s the producer behind the scenes, Christof, inside the moon on the set of the show that depicts Truman Burbank’s life – which, by the way, is a reality show viewed by millions of people trapped in a fabricated world. But Truman doesn’t know his life is a show.

This show that you and I are in is not for the faint of heart. We are trying to keep our heads above water, trying to make a future for our offspring.

But there are forces outside of our control that have steered all of us toward the precipice. We are falling at freefall speed. We have surrendered to a fatalistic moral relativism that rules out standards of decency, thought, and behavior. In the words of Dr. Francis Schaeffer, “We should note this curious mark of our own age: the only absolute allowed is the absolute insistence that there is no absolute.”

If only this is the kind of show that includes popcorn and chips. It isn’t. The world is being false-flagged into oblivion; yet, all we can do is watch (literally).

I wish a turnaround was in sight. And, if you think a new Presidential administration is going to change things and bring about a kind of revival and a “new age”, it won’t.

Because of the way things are in this Truman Show of ours, the earth is about to undergo a cataclysmic shaking, and the heavens are about to fall. And no amount of doomsday prepping is going to amount to a hill of beans.

We are the generation that will witness “the end of all things.” Buckle up and pray.

Lee Goodwin writes about sports for Local.News. His column, “Sports Focus,” appears weekly.

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