GOLF RULES! Golf Etiquette


Golf etiquette is one of the best ways to show respect for the game, fellow competitors, and the course itself. By following these common courtesies, you will increase the enjoyment for those in your group, and hopefully that will encourage them to do the same for you.

  1. Remain quiet while others are playing:  Even beginners know it’s improper to speak while another player is hitting a shot.  However you should also avoid other distracting noises, such as cell phone use, driving the golf cart, and reaching in your bag to select a club.
  2. Be ready for your next shot:  While the others in your group are getting ready to hit their shot, you too should be getting ready for yours, even if it’s not yet your turn. This allows you to speed up play and hit a quality shot more quickly once it is your turn. 
  3. Don’t play out of turn:  Some groups like to play “ready golf” which involves a level of understanding that anyone can hit their shot at any moment they are ready to swing. Though without this agreement from the group it could be distracting and even annoying when the person furthest from the hole has to wait while others are taking their shot.
  4. Leave the course as you found it:  This group of course etiquette guidelines can best be summarized as – replace your divots, fix your pitch-marks and rake the bunker.  
  5. Do not walk in anyone else’s line: When someone in your group is putting, take note of the likely path on which their putt could travel to get to the hole, and avoid walking across that area.  Walking behind the other golfer or behind the hole are the better ways to cross their path if necessary. 
  6. Yell FORE: The term fore is used to warn other golfers on the course that your golf ball might be approaching their area.  You should yell fore as soon as you notice your shot heading towards someone else so they can shield themselves.  This goes beyond etiquette and is ultimately a safety issue. 
  7. Follow the golf cart rules: Other than some handicap accessibility exceptions, golf carts should not be driven near or on any greens nor driven near or on any tee boxes. To help protect the golf course, or even a specific hole, golf carts are sometimes required to remain on the paths. 
  8. Avoid dress code violations: Different courses require a level of appropriate attire to play their course.  Many country clubs, for example, do not allow jeans on their course. If you’ve never played the course before there is no shame in asking a friend who has played there or calling the pro shop to learn their specific dress code requirements.
  9. Don’t give unsolicited advice: Even when people are frustrated with their level of play, you should avoid sharing golf tips during the round unless someone specifically asks. This unsolicited advice rarely helps improve someone else’s score and often increases levels of anger.  Leave the golf swing advice to the professionals

Golf Rules! is a column written by Jillian Pavlick with the assistance of her amateur golfer husband Jonathan. Join Jillian as she learns the rules of the game and shares some tips and tricks along the way.

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