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Work continues on square renovation


WAYNESBORO—The Borough of Waynesboro recently began work on its square renovation project.

Cumberland Valley Tree Service has removed all the trees in the square—some are diseased, some are just being replaced. New trees of the same size will be planted at a later date.

The work is part of the Downtown Street Lighting and Pedestrian Safety Project. Borough officials also plan to have electrical circuits in the tree squares so white lights can be placed on trees year-round and additional street lights will be added around the square.

Work on the square renovation will resume Monday, Oct. 25, in the quadrant in front of Frank’s Pizza. Borough officials are hopeful the work will be completed in time for the tree lighting and Christmas Parade on Nov. 19 and 20, respectively.

Phase III of the project (the final phase), will be bid in February 2022 and will include the addition of overhead lighting at crosswalks and intersections between Broad and Franklin streets.

The project has been funded through the Commonwealth Financing Authority’s Multi-Modal Grant Fund and PennDOT TA Set Aside Program.


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