Chambersburg Robotics Team Heads to State Championships


CHAMBERSBURG- It has been announced that FIRST® Tech Challenge Team 18035, “Reconnecting…”, has qualified for the Pennsylvania State Championship! This is a first-time state championship appearance for the team, which has been in existence since 2019.

The State Championship will be held over March 16-17, where 36 teams from across the state
will compete for the 4 spots that advance them to the FIRST® World Championship in Houston.

“Reconnecting…” earned its spot by winning the first place THINK Award out of the 27 teams at
the PA Southwestern Qualifier Tournament on February 24th.

Since September 9th, 2023, the team has been diligently building and programming their robot
for “Centerstage,” this year’s FIRST® Tech Challenge game. 2 alliances of two robots each
compete on a 12×12 foot field over the course of 2.5 minute matches, aiming to score points by
collecting “pixels” and placing them on a “backdrop”. Robots can further increase their score by
launching a paper airplane “drone” or hanging from the “rigging.” These robots operate during
the first 30 seconds fully autonomously, before 2 drivers take remote control of its functions for
the 2 minute remainder of the match.

About FIRST® Tech Challenge:
Globally, teams involved in FIRST® Tech Challenge design and build robots to compete in new
challenges every year. FIRST® designs each season to encourage teams to not just compete with
one another, but to cooperate with each other and share their knowledge. The goal of FIRST® is
not just to win, but to learn and grow both as an individual, and a team. It may not be battlebots,
but it’s an equally thrilling arena where collaboration and innovation triumph over ruthless
competition. They push the boundaries of science, technology, and engineering, all while
fostering a spirit of community and mutual support that extends far beyond the playing field.
FIRST® is more than just robots, but “A global robotics community preparing young people for
the future.” (FIRST®). These teams are made up of no more than 15 students, ages 12-18, who
learn about teamwork, fundraising, branding, engineering, and outreach.

For More Information:
FIRST® website:
Contact team “Reconnecting…”: Coach Jan Martin ([email protected] or 717-404-3063)

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