Rotary Club of Waynesboro News


WAYNESBORO- The Rotary Club of Waynesboro submitted the following club news:

Last Week’s Program (6.13.23 bulletin)

Fred Kuhn, President of the organization Hope to Walk, a nonprofit organization that supplies prosthesis to individuals in poor, underdeveloped countries. It was noted that there are over thirty-five million amputees in the world and so many of them are in “third world countries“ where such walking aids are not available. Hope to Walk’s purpose is to supply these needed, life changing prostheses free of charge. Currently, the organization is operating in seven countries and has been invited into thirty-nine more. They have been in existence for 10 years and over that decade they have developed a low-cost prosthetic that is designed to be built and individually fitted in two hours – in the country and on site from a $250 all included kit. The charity is fully funded by individual donations and has received a grant from Rotary International. Fred also noted that they have a program called “Leg in honor” where an individual can donate the $250 needed for the kit in honor of an individual such as a loved one who has passed away. For further information go to

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