Chambersburg YMCA to Host EdK Memorial Run


CHAMBERSBURG- The Chambersburg YMCA, a Chamber of Commerce/CVBA Member,will host the EdK race on Saturday, June 10 at CASHS. 

Registration is at 8 a.m. and races begin at 9 a.m. Runners can choose from a fun run, walk 1k, or a 5k.
Post race festivities will be available at Liquid Art Brewing where runners can present their race bibs for one free Best Blonde Beverage (Ed’s favorite).

In April 2017, Ed lost his 11 year battle with Lymphoma. Ed was a lifelong athlete. He enjoyed skiing, basketball and long distance running. He completed nearly forty marathons, including London, Prague, New York and Boston. His first was the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington D.C. in 1983, which he went on to run several more times, including the 1995 race when he joined his two sons in running their first marathons. 

His love of running inspired many others in the community. He had a smile and a positive word for all runners, from the winners to those in the back of the pack. He enjoyed participating weekend training runs along with his brother and many friends in the mountains of Caledonia State Park in Fayetteville, PA.  

Registration cost $10 for the 1k, $25 for the 5k, and $30 for the 5k on the day of the event. All registration includes a tee shirt while supplies last. 1K includes kids medal & snack bag.

Funds from this event support the YMCA’s LIVE STRONG program – LIVESTRONG at the YMCA is a program designed to treat the whole person. It is a 12-week evidence-based program that helps cancer survivors reclaim their health and well-being following a cancer diagnosis. 

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