CHAMBERSBURG–The American Public Power Association Board of Directors named Allen Coffman, president of Chambersburg Town Council, to a three-year term on APPA’s Policy Makers Council.
APPA is the voice of not-for-profit, community-owned electric utilities that power 2,000 towns and cities nationwide. APPA represents public power before the federal government to protect the interests of the more than 49 million customers that public power utilities serve, and the 93,000 people they employ throughout the United States. Chambersburg Borough is an active member of APPA and the Pennsylvania Municipal Electric Association (PMEA), APPA’s Pennsylvania affiliate.
The Association advocates and advises on electricity policy, technology, trends, training, and operations. Its members strengthen their communities by providing superior service, engaging citizens, and instilling pride in community-owned power.
The PMC is a national committee comprised of 45 members (40 regular members and five officers) who are either elected or appointed officials on the governing authorities of public power distribution utilities, including mayors, city council members, and elected or appointed board members. Coffman will represent the 35 municipal members of PMEA. “Chambersburg and PMEA are proud to have Mr. Coffman serve on this important national council,” said Jeffrey Stonehill, borough manager and director of Utilities, and the current president of PMEA. “Chambersburg is the largest public power community in the state and one of the most diversified in the country. Having Mr. Coffman serve in this capacity will help to ensure Pennsylvania’s concerns are expressed.”
The PMC is a very effective voice for public power on Capitol Hill. Its mission is to assist APPA in advocating for federal policies that are important to public power utilities nationwide. “I am honored to have been selected to serve on the PMC. The coming year will be an active one at the national level for energy issues and it will be beneficial for Pennsylvania to have a seat at this important table,” Coffman said.
Coffman has served on Borough Council since being elected in 1994, and has been involved in the oversight of utility operations including water, sewer, and natural gas. Under his leadership as council president, Chambersburg diversified its energy portfolio with solar and gas generated from a landfill. Recently, Chambersburg entered into a contractual arrangement for broadband internet. Coffman had served on many of Council’s Boards, Committees, and Commissions, which included Recreation, Planning & Zoning, Board of Health, Parking-Traffic-and-Streetlights, and has been the Council Personnel Advisor with Human Resources for several years.
Chambersburg Borough is Pennsylvania’s largest public power system. With over 11,000 customers, Chambersburg Borough provides power supply acquired wholesale from the regional grid or through its four power generation stations. Chambersburg recently opened a community solar project in cooperation with Aspen Power Partners and has operated a Landfill Gas to Electricity power station at the Blue Ridge Landfill for years in cooperation with Energy Power Partners (EPP).
For more information, contact Diane Bosak, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Municipal Electric Association, at [email protected].