Author: Adam Clugh

What is Clugh’s Brews? Coffee shops and breweries–people from all walks of life have been gathering in these establishments for as long as they’ve existed. You’ll find students with their faces buried in their laptops, out-of-town friends sharing a hot cup of joe and catching up on each other’s lives, singles at the bar conversing with each other and the bartender, couples out on a date, and families taking their kids out for a treat. These are the places I like to frequent. In this regular column, “Clugh’s Brews” (my last name, pronounced “clue”), I will be reviewing breweries and coffee shops…

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HAGERSTOWN, MD–From a young age, Pete Walters was fascinated with the thought of taking to the sky. Pete’s father flew planes during World War II and, naturally, Pete wanted to fly as well. He wanted to be a helicopter pilot. In college, he got his glider pilot’s license during the fall of his senior year and now has a private pilot’s license for powered aircraft. Born in St Louis, Missouri, raised in Buffalo, New York and Washington DC, he now resides in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania with his wife, Karen. A friendly and talkative guy who doesn’t hesitate to answer in detail any questions…

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The hot and sticky summer is behind us, the days are growing shorter, the leaves are changing colors, the evening air is crisp and the fall decorations have made their appearance. Still on your agenda is carving the jack-o’-lanterns and lining the front of the house with chrysanthemums. Maybe you’ve already started a fire in the woodstove to keep warm and cozy or maybe you are holding out for November. Whatever the case may be, it’s time to think about the less charming aspects of autumn—getting your home ready for colder weather. “A warm and cozy home sounds delightful,” is…

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