FranCo Penn at Monterey Pass was winner!

FranCo Penn bluegrass band with a walk on fiddle

BLUE RIDGE SUMMIT – You don’t have to be a bluegrass fan to appreciate good music. FranCo Penn showed why on Saturday.

Avey, Calamari and Webb with impressive harmony

The Friends of Monterey Pass offer four concerts each season at the park and museum west of Blue Ridge Summit. For the price of A lawn chair to sit upon and a selection of a favorite Antietam Dairy ice cream, music lovers could have experienced a terrific group at this last concert of their season.

Enderlein, Calamari and Avey on dobro solo

The group includes lead singer and guitarist Eric Avey, Matt Hickman on banjo, Ronnie Webb on mandolin, TJ Enderlein on dobro and standing bass man Donnie Calamari.

All from Franklin County, Pa., FranCo Penn members all play for other bands, but have found a great sound playing together. Those interested may check out these two songs:



Stacy Sinclair on fiddle

Joining them on this cool Saturday afternoon was Stacy Sinclair with her fiddle. Also making a contribution was Randy Magley who was invited up for a few songs as lead singer/guitar and standing bass.

Randy Magley joined for vocal / guitar and standing bass

The performance was arranged by Andrew Sussman.

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