Mastriano tours sites in Washington Township


U.S. Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-Pa.) recently toured three critical Washington Township projects, which have pending federal grants applications. His host for the visit was Township Manager Vernon Ashway. The key projects include:

· Amsterdam Road bridge replacement: A project aimed at improving transportation safety and connectivity. Shanks Mill Bridge has been in disrepair for a considerable time. This caused Amsterdam Road to be closed between the bridge and Shanks Mill with traffic rerouted through a residential area. With bridge repairs, the road will be reopened.

Ashway showing Mastriano the source of the millrace to Shank’s Mill off Red Run Creek
Ashway showing the senator the millrace to Shank’s Mill located under the collapsed Shanks Mill Bridge on Amsterdam Road

· Municipal Complex Project – Phase 2: Involving the relocation of the township’s public works department to better serve the community’s needs. Phase 1 of the Municipal Complex Project, completed just over a year ago, was aimed at moving the administrative and police offices of the township out of decaying trailers on Welty Road. These trailers had been home to these township officials for decades. The public works department was temporarily left at Welty Road, using the former police offices, to reduce the cost of Phase 1. Phase 2 will consolidate public works with the rest of the township’s functions at the new facility at 11798 Buchanan Trail East along Route 16.

· Monterey Pass Battlefield and Park Expansion: A vital effort to support the Friends of Monterey Pass in acquiring two additional properties. The Toll House, located on Old Route 16 across Route 16 from the Museum, and an adjoining three acres of land were the site of the fiercest part of the Battle of Monterey Pass on July 4, 1863. Acquiring these two properties will enhance programming and interpretation of the battle.

“Lee Royer, president of the Friends of Monterey Pass sharing details of the battle with Mastriano in the Monterey Pass Museum
Mastriano reading plaque dedicated to Cpl. Joseph Brubaker Jr at the museum

Ashway said Mastriano’s engagement and advocacy underscore the importance of these initiatives, which are crucial to the community’s growth and preservation. “We are grateful for his partnership as we work to strengthen our township’s future, ensuring that these projects will benefit residents for generations to come.”

Mastriano, Ashway, and Maggie McMahen and Megan Zepiora of Delta Development at the civil war cannon in front of Monterey Pass Museum

The Senator commented that is was a “beautiful day to be out in Franklin County touring various improvement projects that are anticipated in the future in Washington Township, including Amsterdam Road Bridge and the Monterey Pass Battlefield.”

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