Franklin County Commissioners to meet


CHAMBERSBURG–Franklin County Commissioners will meet, July 10, beginning at 10 a.m. in the Administration Building, Room 824, 272 N. Second Street, Chambersburg. The agenda is as follows:

Meetings are also live streamed on Franklin County’s YouTube channel and at at scheduled meeting times.

  1. Call to Order
    1.01 Call Meeting to Order, 10:00 AM
    1.02 Moment of Silence
    1.03 Pledge of Allegiance
    1.04 Approval of Agenda
    1.05 Chairman’s Time
    1.06 Review and Approval of Minutes
  2. Public Comment
  3. Consent Agenda
    3.01 Vouchers
    3.02 Aging – Updated vendor and contract list (January – June 2024).
    3.03Commissioners – A letter exercising the option to renew the Lease Agreement Penn State University has with Franklin County for the premises of the therapeutic riding program located at 191 Franklin Farm Lane, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 17202. 3.04 Commissioners – Election Integrity Grant Program Post-election Report being submitted to the Department of Community & Economic Development documenting the election expenses funded under the eligible expense categories for the April 2024 Presidential Primary. Act 88 requires that the County submit a report within 90 days following a general, municipal, or primary election. For the period of July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024, the total amount of expenditures that will be covered by this grant is $521,130.35. 3.05Commissioners – EC CO 005 is an amendment to the contract between the County of Franklin and
    MidState Mechanical & Electrical, LLC to increase the contract time by 88 days at no additional cost.
    3.06Commissioners – EC CO 006 is an amendment to the contract between the County of Franklin and MidState Mechanical & Electrical, LLC provide parts material and labor to extend five 15 amp circuits from old 911 panel to the new ITRM panel as per EC RFI-002 at a cost of $2,176.00. This will be paid by bond funds. 3.07Commissioners – MC CO 002 is an amendment to the contract between the County of Franklin and
    Stouffer Mechanical Contractor, LLC to increase the contract time by 88 days at no additional cost
    3.08**Commissioners – PC CO 005 is an amendment to the contract between the County of Franklin and
    Stouffer Mechanical Contractor, LLC to increase the contract time by 88 days at no additional cost.
    3.09 Community Connections – Lease agreement between the County of Franklin and Beverly Court, LLC
    for the HUD Permanent (Supportive Housing Lease Program) that covers total rent plus any
    **Chairman signature only OVER
    landlord-covered utilities at a cost of $10,075.00 for the period of July 1, 2024 through July 1, 2025. The
    County holds the Lease with the landlord and the participant subleases from the County. Program
    participants are responsible for any utilities not included in the lease rent, up to 30% of their adjusted gross
    income. Participants are linked with Supportive Services and case management to assist them with
    maintaining permanent stable housing. This will be paid from the HUD grant.
    3.10 Community Connections – Lease agreement between the County of Franklin and Sarlin Properties for
    the HUD Permanent (Supportive Housing Lease Program) that covers total rent plus any landlord-covered
    utilities at a cost of $8,700.00 for the period of August 1, 2024 through August 1, 2025. The County holds
    the Lease with the landlord and the participant subleases from the County. Program participants are
    responsible for any utilities not included in the lease rent, up to 30% of their adjusted gross income.
    Participants are linked with Supportive Services and case management to assist them with maintaining
    permanent stable housing. This will be paid from the HUD grant.
    3.11 Grants – An agreement between the County of Franklin and Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and
    delinquency for $110,536.00 to provide medication assisted treatment services utilizing long-acting,
    non-addictive injectable medication to individuals incarcerated at the Franklin County Jail who meet criteria
    for alcohol and/or opiate use disorder.
  4. Regular Agenda
    4.01 Community Connections – Lease agreement between the County of Franklin and Darren Garvin for
    the HUD Permanent (Supportive Housing Lease Program) that covers total rent plus any landlord-covered
    utilities at a cost of $10,200.00 for the period of August 1, 2024 through August 1, 2025. The County holds
    the Lease with the landlord and the participant subleases from the County. Program participants are
    responsible for any utilities not included in the lease rent, up to 30% of their adjusted gross income.
    Participants are linked with Supportive Services and case management to assist them with maintaining
    permanent stable housing. This will be paid from the HUD grant.
    4.02 Department of Emergency Services – Quote from Motorola Solutions to reconfigure and expand the
    SCICNet regional recorder solution to support the new Carbyne 911 phone system for a system and three
    years of maintenance for a total cost of $297,739. Grant funds have been requested from PEMA to cover
    the system cost. Dauphin County, as the SCICNet fiduciary, will pay the 25% required at contract signing.
    If PEMA funding is not awarded, each county would be billed in calendar year 2025 for their shared portion
    and Franklin County’s anticipated cost would be $58,253.00 to be paid from available Act 12 funds; cost in
    excess of available Act 12 Funds would be paid from the General Fund through County Contribution to the
    911 Program
    4.03 PRESENTATION – Employee of the Month – Cody Eichelberger
    4.04 PRESENTATION – Veteran Affairs Scholarships
  5. Adjourn
    ACT 14, 67, 68 and 127 NOTIFICATIONS
    In accordance with PA Act notifications, ASC Engineered Solutions notified the County of the intent for a
    National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) permit renewal application to the Pennsylvania
    Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for ASC Engineered Solutions Greencastle. This individual
    storm water permit number is PAS203503, and is continue discharging storm water.
    Please Note
    The foregoing is a Preliminary Agenda reflecting the Agenda as of the date of its preparation. It is
    provided for your convenience only and is not intended to be Public Notice of any Board proceeding. Items
    **Chairman signature only
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