AHMFL Offers Free Summer Activities for Kids and Families


WAYNESBORO – The Alexander Hamilton Memorial Free Library (AHMFL) in downtown Waynesboro launched its Summer Reading Challenge for 2024, and it offers a variety of activities and adventures for children and families throughout the summer.

This year’s theme, “Adventure Starts Here: Alexander Hamilton Memorial Free Library,” aims to encourage reading among children, youth, and adults with incentives, prizes, and special activities.

The library’s Maker Space will host daily STEAM activities Monday through Thursday from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., providing a cool retreat from summer heat while promoting continued reading. Notable free activities open to the public include Lego building, mini golf, archaeology sessions, teen hikes, paddle boat races, campfire stories, and engineering projects. A full schedule is available on the library’s online calendar.

AHMFL, an independent library for over 80 years, serves as Waynesboro’s community center, offering free access to print and digital resources. It is one of 160 Gold Star Libraries in Pennsylvania, a distinction awarded by PA Forward® in 2021 and recertified in 2022 and 2023. The Gold Star status recognizes the library’s efforts in providing educational events and resources in finance, health, information literacy, basic literacy, and civic and social information. For more information about joining the Summer Reading Challenge, interested parties can visit the library’s website at ahmfl.org, check their Facebook page, or call the circulation desk at 717-762-3335

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