Waynesboro girls secure league championship

Waynesboro's Genesis Alvarez competes in the long jump during Tuesday's Mid-Penn Colonial Division girls' track and field meet against Greencastle-Antrim. Alvarez finished second. (Lee Goodwin)

WAYNESBORO – The Waynesboro varsity girls’ track and field team coasted through its first five Mid-Penn Colonial Division meets. All that stood in the way for an undefeated league season and a division championship was a talented Greencastle-Antrim team.

The Maidens needed every place they had, and thanks to sweeps of the 100-meter hurdles and 100-meter dash, they finished 12 points ahead of the Blue Devils, winning 81-60 on a hot Tuesday afternoon at the Charles A. “Rip” Engle Sports Complex.

Greencastle-Antrim won the boys’ meet 86-64.

“We knew going into this meet it was going to be tough,” said Waynesboro coach Jim Rickett of the girls’ contest. “Two teams, both undefeated and I think all the coaches did what we had to do to put our athletes in the best places possible to get the best results.

“In the end, it’s still up to the kids, and ours performed with as much grit as I’ve seen in my tenure as head coach. Even with the final score being a little more than what we anticipated, both teams fought to the end as it showed with everyone around cheering each other on in the last even, being the 4×400 relay.”

Jada Creager had a superlative meet. She improved on her school-record pole vault by six inches, winning with a vault of 11 feet, 6 inches. Creager set the record of 11 feet last week. Creager topped off her contributions to the victory with a win in the 100 meter dash (12.5 seconds) and the 200 dash (26.6).

Teammate True Benshoff was a double winner. She won the 100 hurdles (16.9) and the 300 hurdles (46.43).

Jada Dockman was victorious in her signature event – the high jump, with a winning effort of 5 feet, 3 inches.

Finally, Ella Dingzon won the shot put with a distance of 31 feet, ¾ inches.

In the boys’ meet, Waynesboro turned in some impressive performances, but Greencastle-Antrim’s depth propelled them to the win.

“We competed hard with several personal records, and it showed in the score,” said Rickett. “Overall, I am very pleased with their effort.”

Rickett noted five of them: Alex Torbica’s first-place finish in the long jump (20 feet); Ben Williams with a season-best in the javelin throw (153-6); Owen Shockey with wins in the 110 hurdles (16.7) and 300 hurdles (42.38); Preston Hammond’s first place in the 100 dash (10.9 seconds); and Noah Bockstie’s time in the 1600 run (4:46).

Hammond also won the 200 dash in 22.41 seconds.

Grant Thompson recorded top finishes in the high jump (5-10) and the triple jump (41-3)

And Hayden Nolan won the pole vault (11-0).

Waynesboro next competes in the annual Stan Morgan Invitational at Carlisle High School on Saturday.

Waynesboro’s Grant Thompson goes through the stages of the boys’ triple jump, an event the senior won with a distance of 41 feet, 3 inches. (Lee Goodwin)



Waynesboro 81, Greencastle-Antrim 69

3200 relay – 1. Greencastle-Antrim (Shupert, Honkle, Board, Paci) 10:48.5

100 hurdles – 1. Benshoff (W) 16.9; 2. French (W); 3. Rae (W)

100 dash – 1. Creager (W) 12.5; 2. Peyton (W); 3. Briegel (W)

1600 run – 1. Paci (G-A) 5:38.2; 2. Board (G-A); 3. I.Ruefle (W)clai

400 dash – 1. Sullivan (G-A) 1:028; 2. Briegel (W); Baker (G-A)

300 hurdles – 1. Benshoff (W) 46.43; 2. Abbott (G-A); 3. Rae (W)

800 run – 1. Paci (G-A) 2:28.4; 2. Hinkle (G-A): 3. Swart (W)

200 dash – 1. Creager (W) 26.6; 2. French (W); Schmuck (G-A)

3200 run – 1. Paci (G-A) 11:46.5; 2. Board (G-A); 3. Young (G-A)

1600 relay – 1. Waynesboro (Briegel, Rae, French, Benshoff) 4:13.8

High jump – 1. Dockman (W) 5-3; 2. Rhodes (W); 3. Woodring (G-A)

Pole vault – 1. Creager (W) 11-6; 2. Bonner (W); 3. Rae (G-A)

Long jump – 1. Schmuck (G-A) 17-1; 2. Alvarez (W); 3. Kurtz (W)

Triple jump – 1. Schmuck (G-A) 35-2; 2. Enfusse (W); 3. Kurtz (W)

Shot put – 1. Dingzon (W) 31 ¾; 2. Hurley (G-A); 3. Baker (W)

Discus throw – 1. Hurley (G-A) 135-11; 2. Baker (W); Sollenberger (G-A)

Javelin throw – 1. Sollenberger (G-A) 93-10; 2. Kauffman (G-A); 3; Ayala-Luna (W)


Greencastle-Antrim 86, Waynesboro 64

3200 relay – 1. Greencastle-Antrim (Parks, Coy, Amstutz, Parks) 8:40.6

110 hurdles – 1. Shockey (W) 16.7 ; 2. Davidson (G-A); 3. Gelsinger (G-A)

100 dash – 1. Hammond (W) 10.9; 2. Merilatt (G-A); 3. Williams (W)

1600 run – 1. Parks (G-A) 4:42.6; 2. Amstutz (G-A); 3. N.Bockstie (W)

400 dash – 1. Coleman (G-A) 51.1; 2. Mencia (W); 3. Calo (W)

400 relay – 1. Waynesboro (Mogley, Williams, Hammond, Mata) 44.89

300 hurdles – 1. Shockey (W) 42.38; 2; Gelsinger (G-A); 3. Le (G-A)

800 run – 1. N.Parks (G-A) 2:01.3; 2. H.Parks (G-A); 3. Coy (G-A)

200 dash – 1. Hammond (W) 22.41; 2. Carr (G-A); 3. Williams (W)

3200 run – 1. Paris (G-A) 10:25.0; 2. Amstutz (G-A); 3. N.Bockstie (W)

1600 relay – 1. Greencastle-Antrim (Coller, Coleman, Nelson, Gelsinger) 3:35.0

High jump – 1. Thompson (W) 5-10; 2. Hunt (G-A); 3. Beam (G-A)

Pole vault – 1. Nolan (W) 11-0; 2. Lofton (G-A); 3. Lynch (W)

Long jump – 1. Torbica (W) 20-0; 2 Hunt (G-A): 3. Koons (G-A)

Triple jump – 1. Thompson (W) 41-3; 2. N.Parks (G-A); 3. Seyler (G-A)

Shot put – 1. Hoch (G-A) 44-2 ¾; 2. Williams (W); 3. Rennekamp (G-A)

Discus throw – 1. Rennekamp (G-A) 125-7; 2. Williams (W); 3. Torbica (W)

Javelin throw – 1. Diller (G-A) 161-10; 2. Williams (W); 3. Davidson (G-A)

Waynesboro’s Charlotte Rhodes competes in the high jump. She placed second behind teammate Jaeda Dockman. (Lee Goodwin)

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