SNIFF NOTES: Celebrate Spring with Furry Friends at the Easter Hound Hunt and Kitten Shower


Easter is early this year! As a result, so is our Easter Hound Hunt. We hold it on Palm Sunday every year and that’s March 24 this year.

We send out the dogs to hunt for Easter eggs! It’s so much fun.

Registration starts at 1 p.m. and the hunt begins at 2. We hold it behind the shelter on Letterkenny Road West in Chambersburg.

Here’s the deal. We fill TONS of plastic Easter eggs with dog treats and spread them around the grounds behind the shelter. When we holler “go,” the dogs – on LEASHES – take off, looking for Easter eggs.

If Mother Nature decides to smile on us (oh, please, ma’am, would you?) and it’s sunny on that Sunday, our Easter Hound Hunt is a well-attended event. Although, our animal-lovers are nothing if not hardy, so we have definitely had participants even in the rain. And this is a rain or shine event, so we’re going, no matter what comes out of the sky.

We’ll have two separate areas behind the shelter to find the eggs – one for small dogs and one for big dogs. We just don’t think it’s terribly fair to ask a Shih Tzu to compete with a German Shepherd to find Easter eggs. The human parents decide whether or not their dog is considered “large” or “small.”

Also, as tempting as it may be, we’re asking that the pups be the ones to find the eggs, not the children. Kids are welcome to attend, but the dog needs to nose the egg before a human can grab it.

The bottom line is there are a lot of Easter egg hunts for children. This one is specifically for the pooches, so we’d like to keep it that way. I know families love to attend and we love to have them, we just ask that the kids participate by letting the dogs find the eggs.

We also ask the dogs be on the leash at all times. It’s just safer that way.

We have prizes. Oh, yes we do. If your pup sniffs out an egg with a special mark on the inside, you will win one of the prize baskets. Because only certain eggs are marked, it’s not really about how many eggs you get, but whether you found THE egg. Even if you only find one egg, it could be the one marked for a prize and you’ll win!

The best part is the eggs are marked INSIDE, so in order to determine if you have a winning egg, you have to open every one you pick up. This is certainly good news for the canines participating because they get the yummy treats inside!

One of the funniest things following the hunt is listening to all the crunching as families sit down and pop open all the eggs. Hilarious!

Participants are asked to give at least a $5 donation to the shelter to take part in the hunt – that way we can raise a little money for the babies in our kennels, too. You can pre-register online at to cut down on the wait the day-of.

Following the hunt, we’re going to have an Easter bonnet contest. This is always so incredibly adorable, I defy you not to smile! The pups will wear the bonnets and we’ll have first, second and third place prizes for the best in each category.

You can also have your pet’s Easter photos taken for a donation to the shelter. It’s possible I heard a rumor that the Easter Bunny himself might just make an appearance! Get the whole family in there and have a great memory with your four-legged baby.

We also have our Kitten Shower this time of year as well and we will be doing that on Saturday and Sunday, April 6 and 7 at the shelter on Letterkenny Road West.

We are on the cusp of what shelters around the nation call “kitten season.” That’s where the adult cats start to bring us a whole bunch of kittens and we’re preparing for that time.

The Kitten Shower is just like a baby shower, only it’s for kittens.

On Saturday, the shower will be from noon to 2 p.m. and on Sunday it will be from noon to 1 p.m. We’re asking for kitten formula, “miracle nipples,” Feline Pine cat litter, small litter pans and kitten food, both dry and wet.

We’re also always on the lookout for foster parents for our kittens, so if you’re interested, make sure you talk to a staff member about how to sign up. Monetary donations are always welcome for medical care and spay and neuter surgeries.

All of the information for both of our upcoming fundraisers can be found at

So, mark your calendars to join us for our Easter Hound Hunt and our Kitten Shower. You’ll be glad you did!


Jennifer Vanderau is the Publication and Promotions Consultant for the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter and can be reached at [email protected]. The shelter accepts both monetary and pet supply donations. For more information, call the shelter at 263-5791 or visit the website CVAS also operates thrift stores in Chambersburg. Help support the animals at the shelter by donating to or shopping at the store.

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