Heartwarming Success: Music Fest Generates Funds and Fun for CVAS Animals


I am so incredibly excited to be able to tell you that the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter’s Cabin Fever Music Fest raised more than $12,000 for the animals in our kennels!

You could have knocked me over with a feather when we figured out the totals for our event that night.

We had it on February 24 in the Orchards Restaurant and it was so much fun.

The five bands, Jill Fulton Band, Soleil, the Negley Brothers, Cameron Molloy Band and Club Medics donated their time and talents to help our animals and I just cannot get over how GOOD they all were.

I can’t carry a tune in a bucket, so hearing true singing talent always leaves me more than a little breathless.

We could NOT have raised as much money as we did without the help of our sponsors.

Our platinum event sponsors were Charles Nitterhouse VFW Post 1599 of Chambersburg, where I’m telling you Don Hershey is one of the hardest working guys in Franklin County, and Menno Haven Communities, a group of people who offer incredible help to those in their golden years.

Additional sponsors included the Marine Corps League – Landis McCleaf Detachment; F&M Trust; Jill Fulton Band; Ludwig Jewelers; Chambersburg Animal Hospital; Forrester Farm Equipment; Wolter Advanced Dental Care; Nitterhouse Masonry and Hardware Supply; Keystone Ford; SEK CPAs and Advisors; Factory Direct Carpets and Kyner’s Auto Sales, Inc.

Not only did our sponsors help us raise the money for our animals, but so did the attendees. We had almost 300 people in the Orchards ballroom that night and man, did we have fun!

Once Club Medics played We Didn’t Start the Fire, even this old lady had to get up and dance!

We also had a large selection of really amazing raffle baskets that were donated by businesses and supporters that raised more than $1,100 that night.

Our 50/50 drawing brought in $1,250 that was split between the shelter and the winner.

The food at the Orchards was absolutely amazing and getting the chance to spend a fun night out and get rid of our cabin fever sure was a great way to help homeless pets.

Our executive director, Tiffanie, also put together a video of the animals that are currently up for adoption at the shelter and those pictures played on a screen all night long. Our staff members also had tables at the show and had a great time.

It always does my heart good to have animal-lovers get together to help the babies in our kennels. Some of the band members have even adopted from us, so they know first-hand who they’re helping when they play for our Cabin Fever Music Fest.

We hold this event on the last Saturday in February every year, so if you missed it this year, make sure you mark your calendars for next year because this sure was a fun night.

As I continue through the years with CVAS, I always feel like thank you is just not enough to truly express my gratitude to all of the amazing people in this community who help us. We absolutely wouldn’t be able to care for as many animals without all of you.

Whether it’s donating, adopting, volunteering or attending our events, like our Cabin Fever Music Fest, I am so sincerely grateful for each and every one of you.


Jennifer Vanderau is the Publications and Promotions Consultant for the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter and can be reached at [email protected]. The shelter accepts both monetary and pet supply donations. For more information, call the shelter at 263-5791 or visit the website www.cvas-pets.org. CVAS also operates a thrift store in Chambersburg. Help support the animals at the shelter by donating to or shopping at the store.

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