Healthier You Workshop


WAYNESBORO- Learn about macros, meal prep, movement and massage and how your life will benefit from focusing on these areas. “Healthier You Workshop” is being presented on Saturday, Feb. 17 in Waynesboro, and is sponsored by The Connection.

Holley Hovermale, DPT, will be leading a portion of the workshop. She earned her doctorate degree in physical therapy from Emory University.  She is passionate about health and wellness. As an independent certified health coach, she supports clients with their individual health goals as a side gig since 2018.

Denise Brown is the owner of Live Simply Bloom Wildly Spa located in St Thomas, PA. She is a licensed esthetician and massage therapist. She uses a holistic approach backed by science to treat her clients and make sure their bodies are cared for inside and out.

Expect to learn about the importance of macronutrients and how to balance them in your diet for healthier living. Also, being covered will be the benefits of movement in your life and you will learn how to do personal lymph massage.

“Healthier You” will be held on Saturday, February 17 from 9:00am to noon at The Connection, 112 Walnut Street, Waynesboro, PA. Admission is $15 to attend. Registration can be found at

The Connection is a community-based women’s ministry whose goal is to connect women with God and each other. They offer in-person and online opportunities. Find out more at

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