Stay Alert, Franklin County: Sheriff Warns of Phone Scams


CHAMBERSBURG- The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office (FCSO) urges residents to be vigilant against a wave of phone scams targeting the community. These scams often take the form of impersonation, where criminals pose as law enforcement or court officials to extort money from unsuspecting individuals.

Be wary of the “Bench Warrant Scam,” where a caller claiming to be a deputy sheriff (sometimes even referencing real names) informs you of a warrant for missed jury duty or subpoena. They demand immediate cash payment at a specific location to avoid arrest. Remember, the FCSO never requests money over the phone.

Another tactic is the “Megan’s Law Warrant Scam,” where individuals on the registry might be contacted, possibly by someone claiming to be “Sgt. Walters.” They may demand new DNA samples or payments (often in gift cards) to avoid arrest. This is entirely fabricated – no such requirement exists.

Beware of unsolicited calls seeking “donations” or gift cards for “needy people.” This “Gift Card Scam” exploits your generosity. Legitimate charities will not solicit funds over the phone in this manner.

Finally, the “Court Administration Fine Scam” involves callers impersonating Franklin County Court Administration, claiming to collect fines for missed court appearances. Remember, Court Administration never solicits or collects money directly.

When answering phone calls, always be cautious. If something feels off, hang up immediately and report the suspicious call to your local police department or the FCSO to verify its legitimacy before providing any information or funds.

If you fall victim to a scam, notify your financial institution and local law enforcement agency as soon as possible. Protecting yourself and your loved ones requires awareness and vigilance. Stay informed about ongoing scams and share this information with others to keep the community safe.

By remaining alert and exercising caution, you can help stop these scammers in their tracks.

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