Unfold at Waynesboro’s annual monarch butterfly program


WAYNE HEIGHTS- The annual monarch butterfly program for the community will be held Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 6 p.m. by the Church of the Apostles, UCC pollinator and wildlife group.

The program will be held in the air conditioned church fellowship hall. Please use the parking lot entrance of the church located at 336 Barnett Ave., Waynesboro PA 17268 in the Wayne Heights development.

The program will focus on the beautiful monarch butterfly, its life cycle, amazing migratory flight, its plight and how to help, and of course how to raise a caterpillar into a butterfly to release.

Caterpillar nurseries will be provided to families to use in raising monarch caterpillars. The nurseries must be ordered in advance.

To order a free nursery, contact Bob Benchoff at 717-377-4729 or [email protected] by August 22. Nurseries will be distributed at the program.

Weather permitting, after the 1-hour program, participants are invited to walk across the church lawn to the pollinator & wildlife habitat, nectar garden & monarch waystation to look for monarch eggs, caterpillars and milkweed leaves. 

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