Free Webinar Looks at Healthcare Costs in Retirement


HAGERSTOWN, Md—Sterling Financial Management, Inc. will hold a 30-minute webinar on how to plan for “Healthcare Costs in Retirement” on Wednesday, June 28 at 10 a.m. This free webinar will look at the importance of long-term care, different options to consider and approximate costs. Private wealth manager Evan Vink from the Sterling Financial Management advisor team will present this topic online via Zoom.

“Some people don’t realize that medical expenses and long-term care are more likely to affect your retirement savings than inflation or the economy,” said Evan Vink, private wealth manager with Sterling Financial Management. “During this webinar, we will look at practical solutions to help you better prepare for healthcare costs and a stress-free retirement. If you are between the ages of 50-70, I highly recommend you attend our upcoming webinar to help you better understand and anticipate healthcare expenses in retirement.”

To register, visit Sterling Financial Management’s website, or call (301) 733-7777.

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