Golf Tournament to Benefit Breast Cancer Awareness


WAYNESBORO- The 25th Annual Golf Tournament will benefit Breast Cancer Awareness Cumberland Valley (BCA-CV) and the free services they provide to the community.

Through out the year Breast Cancer Awareness Cumberland Valley provides early detection programs such as free mammograms and ultrasounds, moving forward after surgery comfort kit, and wigs, hats and scarves for all cancer patients going through treatment.
Breast Cancer Awareness Cumberland Valley also offers Camp Hope which is a day for breast cancer survivors to recharge their mind, body and spirit. They also offer a special needs program to assist with basic living expenses while in “active treatment” for breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Awareness Cumberland Valley also has monthly support groups for patients, families, and survivors.

The golf tournament will be held at Waynesboro Country Club on Monday, May 8. Registration and breakfast begin at 8:30 a.m. and golfers will tee off at 10 a.m. After golf there will be a cook out lunch and an awards presentation. There will be raffles and prizes including a chance to go home with a new car.

Golfers of all abilities are welcome. To register visit the Breast Cancer Awareness Cumberland Valley website or call 301-791-5843,

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