UPMC Carlisle to host second annual wheelchair wash and tuneup


Carlisle – Volunteers from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s Rehabilitation Institute and local vendors will be on site at UPMC Carlisle to wash wheelchairs, perform minor repairs and evaluate potential future problems with those wheelchairs on Saturday, Sept. 21.

Attendees of all ages are invited to bring their wheelchairs to this event. In addition, there will be an obstacle course and games for wheelchair users. The event will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and wheelchair users must register here by Sept. 13. The event will be held at 361 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle.

A wheelchair is one of the most used devices for people with disabilities, enabling independence and improving quality of life, UMPC officials said. One in 10 Americans uses a wheelchair with an estimated one-half of these wheelchairs breaking down during a typical 6-month period, according to research from the University.

Repairs can cost hundreds of dollars, and without a backup chair, wheelchair users may be unable to perform daily tasks both inside and outside the home. Regular cleaning and maintenance will extend the life of the wheelchair and prevent potential injury to the user.

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