Cancer symposium nets $88,000 for research, patients in need


HARRISBURG – More than $88,000 was raised at last week’s Women’s Cancer Symposium for the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center’s Hillman Cancer Center. The funds will help fund cancer research and help patients in need at the center, medical center officials said.

Dr. Kit Lu, director of the clinical trials program and association director of oncology at the center, noted the funds help ensure cutting-edge care and access to research.

“With oncology care continuously advancing, this fund ensures we remain at the forefront of cancer treatment,” Dr. Lu noted.

The comprehensive one-day event discussing how to advance knowledge in women’s oncology was attended by more than 100 physicians, nurses, social workers, exhibitors and other health care professionals. 

The speakers addressed the latest developments in breast and gynecological cancer care, including axillary management, metastatic disease, new technologies, genomic testing and reconstructive techniques. Supportive care, featuring discussions on sexual health after cancer, patient support and nurse navigation was also addressed.

The Cancer Statistics, 2024 report from the American Cancer Society shows while cancer deaths are declining overall, there are some alarming trends, including an increase in cancer rates among younger people. 

The UPMC Hillman Cancer Center in Central Pennsylvania had approximately 40,000 patient visits for medical oncology and infusion in 2023, averaging close to 100 appointments per day. It is one of just 56 National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer centers in the country, which provides cutting-edge treatment and access to hundreds of clinical trials. For more information or to schedule an appointment people may visit

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