Company offers sustainable end-of-life solutions


GREENCASTLE — Biodegradable coffins for both people and pets are offered at Setas Eternal Living. This service features a product called MyCoffin, which is said to biodegrade the human body in less than three years and pets in less than two. This initiative aims to honor life while promoting environmental stewardship, Setas officials said.

Setas Eternal Living is a subsidiary of Setas Mushrooms, LLC. The coffins are crafted using mycelium, the vegetative part of a fungus. These mycelium-based products are designed to decompose naturally, returning nutrients to the soil and supporting new life. Unlike conventional coffins, which can take decades to break down and often involve environmentally harmful materials, MyCoffin completes its decomposition in just a few years, making it a zero-waste solution, company officials said.

Dr. Max Justice, founder and CEO of Setas Eternal Living, emphasizes the importance of sustainability in their mission. “MyCoffin is more than a product; it’s a commitment to leaving a positive impact on the planet. We aim to transform the way we think about burials, integrating eco-friendly practices that benefit both the environment and future generations.”

The process of creating MyCoffin begins with a carefully prepared substrate made from hemp and reishi fungus. This blend is placed into molds and allowed to colonize with mycelium, which binds the materials together as it grows. After a few weeks, the structure is fully formed and is then dried and petrified, ready to serve its purpose. This use of mycelium ensures not only rapid biodegradation but also enriches the soil, supporting new plant growth and providing reassurance about its environmental impact as a carbon-negative solution, company officials said.

Setas Eternal Living’s products are designed with customization in mind, allowing families to deeply involve themselves in the process of personalizing coffins to reflect their loved ones’ unique personalities and values, according to a corporate press release.

According to industry projections, the U.S. coffin and casket manufacturing industry is shifting towards greener alternatives, Setas officials said.

For more information on Setas Eternal Living and its products, people may visit Setas Eternal Living.

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