Waynesboro Rotarians learn of new Hagerstown baseball stadium


Minor League baseball has returned to Hagerstown with a flourish, Waynesboro Rotarians learned at a recent meeting.

Natalie Brockway, director of corporate sales for the Hagerstown Flying Boxcars, presented details about the new Flying Boxcar’s stadium, Meritus Park. She said the facility is the newest state-of-the-art baseball stadium in the country. Meritus Park is in its first season and is expected to invigorate the area’s baseball passion and help rejuvenate downtown Hagerstown.

Brockway hails from Latrobe and is a graduate of St. Vincents College.

People who missed the presentation or would like to review it may click on https://youtu.be/yrhXLpgmFwc. The link also can be used as a make-up for Rotarians who missed the meeting. Those doing so should email Pat Flegle to confirm watching the video.

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