Buttonwood Nature Center Hosts StoryWalk Event for Kids

Buttonwood faculty member Lynn Teach guided participants down the StoryWalk® trail last summer. The next story trail event is on August 11 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Pine Hill Recreation Area.

WAYNESBORO—Area families are invited to join a walk along the story trail on Sunday, August 11 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Pine Hill Recreation Area, hosted by Buttonwood Nature Center, home of The Institute.

Kids join a guided walk and activities along the story trail as they read a story book, then make a special craft project to take home.

The book for August was held over for the summer. “My Busy Green Garden” by Terry Pierce, with illustrations by Carol Schwartz, is a child-friendly lyrical tribute to the bugs, bees, and birds that make the garden such a busy place. 

With each page more garden visitors appear, while a “surprise, in clever disguise” changes unnoticed until, on the last page, a butterfly emerges.

“As we celebrate the summer season, we are happy to present this lively portrayal of backyard nature, which is also a gentle reminder of the rewards of paying attention to nature,” said Pam Rowland, Buttonwood’s director of education.

The event is free, but pre-registration is required by August 8. Register online at: www.buttonwoodnaturecenter.org.

For more information, contact Buttonwood at 717-762-0373 or via email: [email protected]. Limited to 20 children. 

All families are welcome, but activities are geared for preschool and elementary age kids.

Buttonwood/Institute story walks are supported by lead sponsor, Julia S. Dawson. Other sponsors include Kathy Helfrick, with additional support from Today’s Horizon Fund contributors: The Nora Roberts Foundation; Marge Kiersz; and the Carolyn Terry Eddy Family: Carolyn, with daughters Connie Fleagle & Kim Larkin. Facility support courtesy of Washington Township. 

Pine Hill’s StoryWalk® trail was an Institute project, funded in part by WellSpan Summit Endowment, Marge Kiersz and Rouzerville Business Association, with in-kind support from Washington Township, Hopewell Manufacturing, Waynesboro Area School District “Be the Village,” and Alexander Hamilton Memorial Free Library.

The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. StoryWalk® is a registered service mark owned by Ms. Ferguson.

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