Veteran Firefighter Randy Himes Retires After 30 Years of Service in Chambersburg


CHAMBERSBURG — The Greater Chambersburg Area Paid Fire Fighters Association, IAFF Local 1813, extends congratulations to Firefighter Randy Himes on his retirement following 30 years of dedicated service to the community.

Randy Himes began his career with the Chambersburg Fire Department in July 1994. Over the years, he served in various capacities, including a significant tenure on the ambulance service before his final role as the Engine Operator of Engine 1-1. His career is marked by a commitment to excellence and a deep sense of duty to the citizens, visitors, and residents of Chambersburg.

Throughout his time with the department, Himes took on numerous roles. He was a Tactical Medic with the Chambersburg Police Department’s Special Emergency Team and served on Local 1813’s Executive Board. His colleagues remember him not only as a skilled firefighter and medic but also as a mentor, friend, and brother.

The association expressed their admiration and gratitude, stating, “Brother Himes, we will miss seeing you around the station but know that you have left the department better than the way you found it. Congratulations, Brother, and enjoy your well-deserved retirement.” Himes’ retirement marks the end of an era for the department, but his legacy of service and camaraderie will continue to inspire future generations of firefighters in Chambersburg.

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