Shippensburg Burn Ban


SHIPPENSBURG — The Shippensburg Borough Fire Chief has issued a burn ban, prohibiting all outdoor burning due to recent dry conditions. The ban will remain in effect until weather conditions improve.

Fire Chief Randy O’Donnell announced that no burn permits will be issued during this period, and recreational fires are strictly prohibited. However, outdoor cooking using grills or other covered devices is still permitted.

The ban comes as a response to a prolonged stretch of dry weather that has increased the risk of fire incidents in the area. This measure aligns with similar restrictions implemented in other Midstate communities. Residents are urged to comply with the burn ban to prevent potential fire hazards. Any violation of this order is considered a summary offense, with fines ranging from $100 to $1,000 upon conviction.

Local authorities will continue to monitor weather conditions and will lift the ban when it is deemed safe to resume outdoor burning activities. In the meantime, community members are asked to remain vigilant and exercise caution during this dry spell.

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