Heat Wave Prompts Burn Warnings


ANTRIM- A burn ban warning has been issued for Antrim Township, as the region faces extreme heat and dry conditions. Township officials announced the warning on June 22, citing high temperatures, elevated humidity levels, and heat index warnings expected to persist for several days.

While a formal burn ban is not currently in effect, residents are urged to exercise caution when conducting controlled burns. John Alleman, Emergency Management Coordinator for Antrim Township, advises citizens to carefully assess weather conditions before initiating any burns and to keep a water supply nearby. For larger controlled burns, residents are asked to notify Franklin County Control at 717-264-2813.

The warning comes as neighboring Quincy Township implemented a full burn ban on June 27, due to ongoing dry conditions and lack of rainfall in the forecast. Quincy’s ban prohibits all open burning until further notice, in accordance with local Ordinance 65.

Antrim Township Administrator Chris Ardinger emphasized the importance of heat safety, reminding residents to stay hydrated and seek shelter in air-conditioned spaces or shaded areas during this period of extreme temperatures. “Heat exposure can be very dangerous,” Ardinger cautioned. As the hot weather continues, local authorities are monitoring conditions closely.

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