Explore and Create: Buttonwood’s New 3-Day Nature Journaling Camp for Kids

Buttonwood faculty member, Jan Barrasso leads a 3-part Nature Journaling Summer Camp for students completing grade 4 through 6 on July 16–18

Buttonwood Nature Center, home of The Institute is hosting a new 3-day summer camp to inspire creativity on Tues., Wed. and Thurs., July 16–18 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., at Pine Hill Recreation Area near Waynesboro, Pa. The Nature Journaling Camp is open to kids completing grades 4 through 6. 

During this 3-day camp students get in touch with nature through observation, recording what they see with writing and drawing, and learning about the science of what’s happening in nature while immersing themselves in the beauty of the natural world.

Buttonwood educator Jan Barrasso guides students to become aware of their surroundings as they explore animal tracks, seed pods, insects, wildlife, weather and plant life. 

“By committing observations to paper, campers deepen their connection to nature,” Barrasso said. “Journaling captures the essence of the moment—the scent of pine, the crunch of earth underfoot, and the fresh air against your skin.” 

Each camper should bring a journal—a small notebook with blank paper. Students are encouraged to personalize their journal with cover decorations and their name.

“There are many different ways to create a nature journal, including sketching or drawing, written descriptions, or creating stories about what one sees, hears and experiences while sitting or walking outside,” she said. “Each student will discover their own way to observe and record the wonders of nature.”

Barrasso holds a master’s degree in education with a dual certification in art and 

elementary education. She taught in the classroom for 32 years, and has experience leading nature journaling programs.

Registration for the camp is required by July 14, and includes all three sessions. Limited to 12. Camp fee: $50 for members of Buttonwood Nature Center/The Institute, and $55 general public. Register online at  www.buttonwoodnaturecenter.org.

For more information, call 717-762-0373 or email to [email protected].

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