Franklin County Commissioners to meet


CHAMBERSBURG–Franklin County Commissioners will meet, June 26, beginning at 10 a.m. in the Administration Building, Room 824, 272 N. Second Street, Chambersburg. The agenda is as follows:

Meetings are also live streamed on Franklin County’s YouTube channel and at at scheduled meeting times.

  1. Call to Order
    1.01 Call Meeting to Order, 10:00 AM
    1.02 Moment of Silence
    1.03 Pledge of Allegiance
    1.04 Approval of Agenda
    1.05 Chairman’s Time
    1.06 Review and Approval of Minutes
  2. Prison Board
    2.01 Call to Order
    2.02 Public Comment
    2.03 Review and Approval of Minutes
    2.04 Approval of Jail Vouchers
    2.05 Adjournment
  3. Public Comment
  4. Consent Agenda
    4.01 Vouchers
    4.02 Commissioners – Change Order #31 from Lobar, Inc for the Franklin County Courthouse Annex project
    for T&M work for Door frame and GWB and Directory Revisions at a cost of $2,852.89. This will be paid
    from bond funds.
    4.03 DES – Quote from Capital Area Communications to repair water-damaged transmission lines at the
    Tuscarora Tower site at a cost of $16,946.56. These repairs are required to provide complete radio
    coverage to emergency responders. This repair is eligible for funding through Act 12/911, any remaining
    costs will be paid from the general fund through County contribution.
    4.04 Fiscal – Human Services Block Grant, Income and Expenditure Report for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. A
    total of $5,833,233.00 was expended during FY 22-23, requiring $153,257.00 for county match (2.7%).
    Retained earnings carried into FY 23-24 for expenditure totaled $151,562.00.
    4.05**GIS – Agreement between the County of Franklin and Environmental Systems Research Institute,
    Inc. (ESRI) for a renewal of yearly maintenance agreement for the use of GIS software & licensing within
    *Chairman signature only OVER the County. This agreement covers multiple departments allowing for the performance of daily duties for GIS, 911, Tax, and other departments at a cost of $51,304.83. $46,850.00 will be paid from general funds. 4.06 Juvenile Probation – An agreement between the County of Franklin and Tuscarora School District to provide $23,818.08 to the County to assist in funding the School-Based Juvenile Probation Program for the 2024-2025 school year. 4.07Mental Health/Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities/Early Intervention – Agreement between the County of Franklin and Esh’s Storage Barns, LLC to purchase a shed for the PATH Mental Health Housing Program to safely store housing outreach materials and supplies. This will ensure efficiency of access to necessary street outreach materials during business hours and non-traditional hours at a cost of $10,330.00. This will be paid by PATH Grant. 4.08*Sheriff – An agreement between the County of Franklin and Versaterm Public Safety, Inc for body
    worn cameras at a cost of $9,820.00. This will be paid by the SRT BWC grant which requires a 100%
    match. Match expected to be met by year 2 annual software licensing and storage costs and other
  5. Regular Agenda
    5.01 PRESENTATION – Critical Incident Stress Management Team (CISM) Recognition
  6. Adjourn
    ACT 14, 67, 68 and 127 NOTIFICATIONS
    In accordance with PA Act notifications, martin and martin, Inc. notified the County of the intent for
    Nitterhouse Concrete Products to submit a Water quality Management (WQM) Permit Modification to the
    Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for the project to modify their Industrial
    Wastewater Treatment Facility. This treatment facility will process wastewater from existing operations
    onsite, specifically from vehicle washout and plant process water and recycle it for reuse in production.
    Please Note
    The foregoing is a Preliminary Agenda reflecting the Agenda as of the date of its preparation. It is
    provided for your convenience only and is not intended to be Public Notice of any Board proceeding. Items
    may be deleted or added prior to and/or the day of the meeting. To be certain of an opportunity to participate in
    the discussion of any item, whether itemized on this Agenda or not, you are advised to attend this meeting.
    Franklin County encourages qualified persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and
    activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access
    provided, please contact the Franklin County Commissioners Office at (717) 261-3812.
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