CVAS Pet of the Week

CVAS Pet of the Week: Kevin Bacon

Looking for a new friend? The Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter is featuring these Pets of the Week. For more information, visit or call 717-263-5791.

Kevin Bacon is a loving boy who is quite the Footloose explorer (heh). He is about 6 years old and would love to find out what a loving forever home is all about. Could you show him?


Roscoe is a 5-year-old mixed breed dog who came into the shelter as a stray. He is a bit on the shy side, but once he has time to adjust becomes a really nice guy. He may require his potential adopters to meet him several times before he goes home with them to establish a relationship. He loves getting treats! Roscoe enjoys going out to the play yard. Due to Roscoe’s shyness with new people and no past history, an age restriction for children in the home may apply, so please discuss this with shelter staff. Roscoe would love to find his loving forever home soon! CVAS, 5051 Letterkenny Road West, Chambersburg, Kennel License#2090

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