Franklin County Commissioners to meet


CHAMBERSBURG–Franklin County Commissioners will meet, June 19, beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Antrim Township Building at 10655 Antrim Church Road. The agenda is as follows:

Meetings are also live streamed on Franklin County’s YouTube channel and at at scheduled meeting times.

  1. Call to Order
    1.01 Call Meeting to Order, 6:30 PM
    1.02 Moment of Silence
    1.03 Pledge of Allegiance
    1.04 Approval of Agenda
    1.05 Chairman’s Time
    1.06 Review and Approval of Minutes
  2. Public Comment
  3. Consent Agenda
    3.01 Vouchers
    3.02 Community Connections – Lease agreement between county of Franklin and Rodney C. & Cindee L.
    Mose for the HUD Permanent (Supportive Housing Lease Program) that covers total rent plus any
    landlord-covered utilities at a cost of $11,050.00 for the period of June 14, 2024 through June 14, 2025.
    The County holds the Lease with the landlord and the participant subleases from the County. Program
    participants are responsible for any utilities not included in the lease rent, up to 30% of their adjusted gross
    income. Participants are linked with Supportive Services and case management to assist them with
    maintaining permanent stable housing. This will be paid from the HUD grant.
    3.03 Commissioners – Change Order #30 from Lobar, Inc. for the Franklin County Courthouse Annex
    project for Terrazzo Repairs done during installation at a cost of $1,268.51. This will be paid from bond
    3.04 Elections – Annual polling place accessibility certification for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    3.05 Grants – Amendment to agreement between the County of Franklin and FCJ Medication Assisted
    Treatment to document a project modification request that has been submitted to the Pennsylvania
    Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) for grant number 40013 for a no cost nine month term
    3.06 Information Technology Services – Agreement between the County of Franklin and Server Supply for
    Wireless Access Points in the new Courthouse Annex refurbished space at a cost of $19,125.40. This will
    be paid by the Bond fund.
    3.07 Information Technology Services – Agreement between the County of Franklin and Dell for the second
    bulk order of the year incorporating the machines which require custom specification at a cost of
    **Chairman signature only OVER
    $60,566.12. $33,579 will be paid by the general fund. The remaining amount will be charged to 911 and
    hazmat with Act 12 and grant funding.
    3.08 Information Technology Services – Agreement between the County of Franklin and Dell for two servers
    within the environment which are responsible for Active Directory. AD is used to manage computer security
    and authentication into our devices and network throughout the entire county. We are replacing hardware
    that is at least 7 years old at a cost of $4,437.26. This will be paid by an allocation across all County
    operations. About 68% is estimated to be paid by the General fund.
  4. Regular Agenda
    4.01Adult Probation – replacing two Adult Probation Department vehicles utilized for field visits and transports. The vehicles will be upfitted with Officer Safety options and a Prisoner Transport system at a cost of $81,250.00, with 50% of this being paid by Act 77 and the remainder being paid by the General fund. 4.02Children and Youth – Agreement between the County of Franklin and Terminix for extermination
    service at a cost of $2,103.75 for the period of June 5, 2024 through July 31, 2024.
  5. Adjourn
    Please Note
    The foregoing is a Preliminary Agenda reflecting the Agenda as of the date of its preparation. It is
    provided for your convenience only and is not intended to be Public Notice of any Board proceeding. Items
    may be deleted or added prior to and/or the day of the meeting. To be certain of an opportunity to participate in
    the discussion of any item, whether itemized on this Agenda or not, you are advised to attend this meeting.
    Franklin County encourages qualified persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and
    activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access
    provided, please contact the Franklin County Commissioners Office at (717) 261-3812.
    **Chairman signature only OVER
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