Rotary Club of Waynesboro News


Last Meeting’s Program (6.11.24 bulletin)

Gavel Travel –

Our club has been blessed with great leadership over the years and this year’s “gavel travel” ceremony highlighted two examples of that. Our very own District Governor, Herb Smith, made a special trek to our club today to honor outgoing president Brian Lucas and to swear in and welcome incoming president Matt Gunder. Sadly, President Brian will be leaving the area to assume a pastorate in Milton, PA. He will be sorely missed by our community and Rotary Club. During the meeting, Brian briefly reviewed his successful Rotary year and Matt outlined his vision for the coming year starting July 1. Accompanying Matt as he was sworn in was his father and long-time Rotarian Paul Gunder. Paul is a past president of our club and is still very active. Nice touch!

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