Electricity Rates Shifting for PA Default Service Customers


Provided by : Paul Schemel

The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) is reminding consumers that most electric distribution companies across the state will be adjusting electric generation prices on Saturday, June 1, for non-shopping, or default service, customers.

With energy prices set to increase in some areas and decrease in others, the PUC encourages consumers to stay informed about these changes and evaluate their energy options, even if they already have a contract with a competitive electric generation supplier. For more information, including a list of “price to compare” adjustments, click here.

You may also learn more about managing energy costs by visiting PAPowerSwitch.com, which includes access to competitive offers as well as energy-saving tips.

Additionally, PAGasSwitch.com, another site run by the PUC, helps consumers compare prices for natural gas providers.

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