WAYNESBORO- On a solemn Monday morning, the town of Waynesboro came together to honor the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. The combined veterans council organized a series of poignant Memorial Day services that paid tribute to our fallen heroes. The ceremonies commenced with the powerful voices of the Wayne Band leading the crowd in the national anthem, instilling a sense of patriotism and reverence. Mark Spangler, commander of VFW Post 695, then led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance, a unifying moment that reminded all of their duty to uphold the values those soldiers fought to protect. With the somber tones set, a diverse array of esteemed speakers took the stage, including Tim Wolff, Harold Feigley, Janeen McCheney, Lester Little, Colonel Erin H. Frazier, Helen Thiers, and Mayor Richard Starliper, each offering heartfelt reflections and words of gratitude.
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Memorial Day Observance in Waynesboro
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