Franklin County Honors Dispatch Legend’s Quarter-Century of Dedication


HARRISBURG- In a heartwarming ceremony held at the state capitol building, the Franklin County Department of Emergency Services celebrated a remarkable milestone – the 25th anniversary of Dispatcher 25, Brian Denham. Surrounded by colleagues, friends, and family, the event paid tribute to Denham’s unwavering dedication and invaluable contributions to the department over the past two and a half decades.

Denham’s journey with Franklin County began humbly in the basement of the courthouse, where he meticulously punched incident cards by hand. Over the years, he witnessed and played a pivotal role in the department’s evolution, from the implementation of the first Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) system to the adoption of cutting-edge 911 phone technology upgrades.

Throughout his tenure, Denham has worn many hats, serving as a dispatcher, backup supervisor, trainer, supervisor, and even a box card aficionado. His versatility and adaptability have been instrumental in ensuring the smooth operation of the department during times of change and progress.

Affectionately known as “Den-ham” and “Levi” to his colleagues, Denham’s dedication to the Franklin County Department of Emergency Services has been unwavering. He is widely regarded as a go-to resource, a driving force behind innovative solutions, and a master of thinking outside the box.

Beyond his professional accomplishments, Denham has also cultivated lasting friendships within the department, earning the respect and admiration of his peers. His approachable demeanor and willingness to lend a helping hand have made him a beloved figure among his colleagues.

As the Franklin County Department of Emergency Services celebrates Denham’s 25 years of service, it is evident that his impact extends far beyond the walls of the dispatch center. His commitment to excellence, adaptability, and unwavering dedication have set a shining example for generations of dispatchers to come.

The ceremony served as a heartfelt tribute to Denham’s remarkable journey and a testament to the invaluable role he has played in ensuring the safety and well-being of the community. With gratitude and admiration, the department expressed its sincere appreciation for his many years of dedicated service and looked forward to his continued contributions in the years to come.

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