Wash. Township Supervisors to Meet


WAYNESBORO- The Washington Township Supervisors will meet Tuesday, Jan. 2, at 1:30 p.m. Meetings are held at 11798 Buchanan Trail E. in Waynesboro.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2024 – 1:30 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance
From the Floor
Approval of Agenda
1. Appoint Manager as Temporary Chairman
Call for nomination, second and vote to appoint Chairman for 2024
Meeting turned back over to the new Chairman
2. Election of Chairman (_________________)
3. Election of Vice-Chairman (___________________)
4. Appointment of Secretary (Karen Hargrave)
5. Appoint Assistant Secretary (Brigitte Mowen)
6. Appointment of Treasurer & Assistant Treasurer (Karen Hargrave & Brigitte Mowen)
7. Appointment of Township Manager as Roadmaster
8. Appointment of Supervisor Committees (See attached sheet)
a. Streets/Public Transportation Scott & Stewart
b. Police/Drug Task Force Scott & Dan
c. WTMA/Utilities Ted & Charlie
d. Parks/Train Charlie & Ted
e. Recycling/Transfer Station Stewart & Dan
f. Equipment/Technology Scott & Stewart
g. Planning & Zoning Scott & Ted
h. Emergency Management Scott & Dan
i. Personnel Scott & Ted
j. Economic Development Charlie & Dan
k. Budget & Finance Committee Charlie & Dan
9. Appointments to Boards & Committees (See attached sheet)
a. Zoning Hearing Board (3 years) 1 position – Daniel Sheffler
b. WTMA (5 years) 1 – Andrew Geesaman
c. Happel’s ’s Meadow Wetland Advisory Committee (3 years) 3 positions:
1. Frank Shockey
2. Melanie Anderson Smith
3. Open Position
d. Agricultural District Committee (1 year) – Scott Stine, Supervisor
Doug Zody Vernon Fox Jack Martin Alan Frantz
e. Impact Fee Committee:
Gary F. Bercaw Robert Correll Paul Gunder
Samuel R. Welty, Sr., Ron McKinney Jason Piatt
Jim Rock
f. CRIT/PMHIC Representative:
1. Karen Hargrave 2. Vernon Ashway (Alternate)
g. Franklin County Emergency Service Alliance:
1. Vernon Ashway 2. Jeffrey Geesaman (Alternate)
h. Franklin County Council of Government Representative:
1. Vernon Ashway 2. Chad Reichard (Alternate)
i. Franklin County Area Tax Bureau and Franklin County Tax Collection Committee:
1. Vernon Ashway 2. Charlie Strausbaugh (Alternate)
j. Rouzerville Business Association – Stewart McCleaf
Charlie Strausbaugh Dan DeDona Vernon Ashway Chad Reichard
l. UCC Board of Appeals – James Rock
m. Designated FEMA/PEMA applicant – Vernon Ashway
n. Vacancy Board of Supervisors – Charlene Willhide
o. Emergency Management Coordinator and Alternate:
1. Coordinator – James Meek
2. Deputy – Steven R. Swope
3. Deputy – Jeffrey B. Geesaman
p. Township Auditors (1 year term) to fill 1 vacant position:
1. Branda Haugh
10. Appoint Legal Counsel and Rates for 2024:
a. Township Solicitor & Planning Committee Solicitor – Zachary Mills, Rate $125.00/hr.
b. ZHB & UCC Board of Appeals – Deborah Hoff, Rate $125.00/hr.
c. Labor/Special – Salzmann Hughes, P.C., Rate $194.00/hr. Paralegals, Rate $131.00/hr.
11. Appoint Township Consultants and rates for 2024 (See attached sheets)
a. R. Lee Royer & Associate – Surveyor/Site Design
b. Grove Miller – Traffic Engineer
c. Kirbtech – I.T. Support
d. Martin & Martin – Subdivision review/engineering
e. McMahon Associates, Inc. – Impact Fee Engineer
f. Sewage Enforcement Officer – JWP Environmental Inc., Jonathan & Jakob W. Piper, SEO
g. C.S. Davidson – Bridge/Structural Engineer
h. Commonwealth Code Inspection Service – See Fee Schedule Resolution 810
12. Approve Depositories – See depository sheet
13. Appoint State Fund Foreman – Township Manager, Vernon Ashway
14. Appoint Delegates to State Convention, (All Supervisors, Manager, Secretary)
15. Appoint Voting Delegate to State Convention, (Highest Twp. Official Present)
16. Approve 2024 Holiday Schedule and Declare Floating Holiday – December 24, 2024
17. Approve Salaries & Wages – Office, Public Works, T.S., Parks, Police Department. Salaried
Employees (See attached Resolution and Wage Sheets)
a. Township Manager – Proposed Resolution # 808
b. OIC – See Memorandum of Understanding
c. Police Officers
d. Non-Uniform Salary and Hourly Employees
18. Approve Tax Rate – Real Estate – Resolution # 809
19. Set Developer inspection fee rate, Township employee’s – $60.00/hr.
20. Approve Township Fee Schedule – Resolution # 810
21. Set Bonding limits for Township Employees:
a. Secretary/Treasurer’s bond amount – $700,000
b. Assistant Secretary/Treasurer’s – $200,000
c. Other employees as covered under the Crime Policy – $100,000
22. Approve Equipment Rental Rates, (see sheet)
23. Approve WTMA & Waynesboro Borough Labor & Equipment Rental Rates (see sheet)
24. Appoint auditors for 2024 accounts – (Boyer & Ritter per 10/4/2021 Proposal)
25. Approve Employee Benefit Policy – Resolution # 811
26. Approve 2024 Transfer Station/ Recycling Rate Schedule, (see sheet)
27. Approve of the Charts for 2024
a. Organizational Chart
b. Personnel List
28. Approval of the Meeting Schedule for 2024

Tuesday, January 2, 2024 Starts right after the completion of the Reorganizational Meeting
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. From the Floor
3. Approval of the Agenda
4. Approval of the Meeting Minutes
a. Special Meeting Minutes – November 27, 2023 (Revised)
b. Regular Meeting Minutes – December 18, 2023
5. Township Secretary
a. Invoices Due
b. PMHIC Surplus Claim Fund – 2022
c. WTPD Donations – Gift Cards
d. Proposed Resolution 812 – Identity Theft Prevention – Adopting the Red Flag Program for 2024
e. Proposed Resolution 813 – Police Pension Fund Contribution for 2024
f. Proposed Resolution 814 – WTPD Fitness Standard for 2024
g. Purchasing Policy for 2024 – Policy # 2024-1
6. Assistant Zoning Officer’s Report
7. Manager’s Report
a. DEP Transfer Station Inspection Report December 18, 2023
b. WellSpan Health – Go Outdoors Program
8. Solicitor’s Report
9. Miscellaneous

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