Waynesboro Schools, Giant Team Up: Tackling Child Hunger One Bite at a Time


WAYNESBORO- A glimmer of hope flickers against the backdrop of winter in the Waynesboro community. The GIANT Company, once again, joins hands with the Waynesboro Area School District’s food service to combat the silent shadow of childhood hunger. From January’s first crisp dawn to March’s gentle thaw, a beacon of generosity will shine in GIANT, MARTIN’S, and GIANT Heirloom Market stores. Shoppers, wielding the magic of “rounding up” their bills, donating CHOICE Rewards Points, or choosing reusable bags, will weave tapestries of support for the Feeding School Kids initiative.

Back in the warm embrace of school after the winter break, the call to arms rings out. Each member of the community is invited to become a herald, spreading the word and ensuring every child has access to the nourishing fuel that fuels young minds and bodies. Backpacks brimming with weekend sustenance, cleared lunch debts, and perhaps even community pantries stocked with hope – these are the dreams this partnership aims to cultivate. The funds, entrusted to the district’s food service warriors, will be wielded like shields against hunger, ensuring no child goes to battle with an empty stomach. So, let us stand shoulder to shoulder, Waynesboro, and make these next three months a testament to the power of compassion. Together, bite by bite, we can nourish the future of our community, one act of kindness at a time.

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