Wash. Township Supervisors to Meet


WAYNESBORO- The Washington Township Supervisors will meet today, Monday, Dec. 11, at 1:30 p.m. Meetings are held at 11798 Buchanan Trail E. in Waynesboro.

  • 1.Pledge of Allegiance
  • 2.From the Floor
  • 3.Boyer and Ritter
  • 4.Approval of the Agenda
  • 5. Approval of the Meeting Minutes
    a. Regular Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2023
  • 6. Assistant Zoning Officer Report
    a. Land Use permit
  • 7. Code Enforcement Officer Report
  • 8. Manager’s Report
    a. WTMA Minutes
    b. WBA Minutes
    c. 2024 Grant Opportunity
    d. Re Org Review
  • 9. Solicitor’s Report
  • 10. Executive Session
  • 11. Miscellaneous
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