Waynesboro Children’s Theatre Troupe To Hold Auditions


WAYNESBORO – The Waynesboro Children’s Theatre Troupe has announced auditions for their upcoming production of “Beauty and the Beast.” This beloved Disney musical will showcase the talents of young performers in the Waynesboro community.

Auditions will be held at LCBC Church, located at 13450 Midvale Road in Waynesboro. Children between the ages of 11 and 18 are invited to audition on Monday, August 28 at 6 p.m. For younger aspiring actors between the ages of 6 and 10, auditions will take place on Tuesday, August 29 at 6 p.m.

Callbacks will be held on August 31, providing an opportunity for selected individuals to showcase their skills once again. It’s important to note that all who audition will be cast in the play, ensuring that every young performer has a chance to shine on stage.

Rehearsals will follow auditions, and the production dates are set for November 30 and December 1 through 3. The performances will take place at the Waynesboro Area Senior High School, providing a professional and welcoming venue for the young actors to showcase their talents.

The Waynesboro Children’s Theatre Troupe has a long-standing tradition of bringing quality productions to the community, and “Beauty and the Beast” promises to be a magical and memorable experience for all involved.

For more information about the Waynesboro Children’s Theatre Troupe and their upcoming auditions, visit their website at www.wctt.org.

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