Franklin County MPO Approves 20-Year Transportation Plan 


CHAMBERSBURG – The Franklin County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has adopted its 2045 Franklin County Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and will now use this blueprint to determine the strategic direction for Franklin County’s transportation priorities over the next 20 years.

Franklin County’s LRTP establishes goals and potential projects for improving, operating and maintaining the county’s transportation system for both existing and potential transportation needs. More specifically, the LRTP inventories and assesses the county’s current land use, transportation patterns and operations of all forms of transportation while also identifying areas of improvement that will facilitate the county’s long-term goals.

The MPO, which serves as the decision-making body for Franklin County’s transportation projects and programs that use federal funding, led the LRTP update in cooperation with PennDOT and with technical consulting assistance from Michael Baker International, Inc. An advisory committee of representatives from transportation agencies and other stakeholders across Franklin County guided the 22-month project. 

The MPO took current and future land use, economic development and environmental concerns into consideration during the strategic development of the LRTP. Performance-based planning was used to ensure the effective and efficient use of public resources when targeting goals. The MPO also solicited community feedback on transportation concerns and issues through a public survey, through a 30-day review period of the draft LRTP, and by hosting a public meeting, all to ensure the 2045 LRTP reflects the needs and priorities of Franklin County’s residents, visitors and businesses. 

“As Franklin County continues to evolve, it’s important to have a solid road map to lead us into the future,” said Franklin County Commissioner Dave Keller. “The LRTP provides a strategic framework that will allow us to prioritize our transportation needs, keep our residents and visitors safe, and continue to promote the economic vitality of our communities.”

The MPO will now use the LRTP to advance and guide transportation improvements in the following areas:

  • safety
  • traffic operations
  • bicycle and pedestrian accommodations
  • environmental impact
  • economic development
  • maintenance and preservation
  • public transportation
  • travel and tourism

“Along with the increase of transportation funding through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, this plan provides a launching point for modernizing our transportation system to account for the significant growth we continue to see across Franklin County,” said Sam Cressler, MPO chairman.

In addition to guiding the activities of the MPO over the next 20 years, the LRTP will also direct partners at the local, county, state and federal levels on planning decisions that affect transportation. Additionally, the LRTP will serve as the transportation element of the Franklin County Comprehensive Plan, Imagine Franklin 2035, and will outline specific transportation priorities to help the county plan for the future.

The LRTP is available on the Franklin County website at For more information on the LRTP, contact the Franklin County Planning Department at  [email protected] or 717-261-3855.

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