South Mountain seamstress will sew for you


SOUTH MOUNTAIN–When Cindy Henry’s grandmother taught her to sew at age 11, she didn’t imagine she would be running a business out of her home seven years after her retirement from education.

Prior to retirement Henry was a teacher at Hamilton Heights Elementary and Chambersburg Area Middle School-South and was a principal at Hamilton Heights and Fayetteville elementary schools in Chambersburg. But after a suggestion from her daughter in July 2022, Just Sew was born.

Henry operates Just Sew out of her home on the South Mountain where she works on sewing projects such as hemming pants, taking in a dress, or tailoring a shirt.  

“It is the relationship that matters to me,” she said. “This is just something I can do to help somebody else.” 

That relationship has led to Henry to making memory pillows for several clients. “A client came to me with a NASCAR shirt from an important race and rather than frame the shirt, they wanted it made into a pillow,” she said.

Now, Henry specializes in making memory pillows for friends, family and clients. 

Memory Pillows

In addition to memory pillows and everyday fixes Henry also offers tailoring for wedding gowns, bridesmaid and prom dresses.  

Henry offers sewing services to the Chambersburg, Waynesboro, Greencastle and the South Mountain area. 

Since she doesn’t have a walk-in store, the best way to reach Just Sew is by leaving a voicemail at 717-331-6196 and Henry will return your call or you may find her on Facebook @JustSew2022. 

Typically, she will meet a client at a coffee shop convenient to the customer and after a conversation, will take the items back to her home and in a week’s time return them to the customer.

“Meeting in town is most often better for customers, then they do not have to drive up the mountain,” Henry said. 
Sewing is clearly a work of love and passion for Henry.

“As I sew to this day, I feel my grandmother’s hands on mine as I gently guide the fabric as I stitch. ” Henry said. 

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