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CVAS Pets of the Week


Looking for a new friend? The Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter is featuring these Pets of the Week. For more information, visit or call 717-263-5791.


Chaulk came into the shelter as a stray and when he first arrived, he was underweight and had a rough coat because of a severe flea allergy. Chaulk has since gained weight and with the help of a regular flea preventative, Chaulk’s skin and coat have become healthy! Potential adopters should be aware that Chaulk is VERY sensitive to fleas (he will bite and lick himself raw from a flea bite) and should be kept on a regular preventative to keep him flea free. He is a 1-year-old all-white boy who would love to find his forever home! 


Meeko is a 4-year-old terrier mix who loves to go outside and play. He does jump up when he first meets new people and because of this energy level, he may be too much for small children. Please ask shelter staff about a possible age restriction for Meeko. He is a very sweet boy who could be your new best friend!