Rotary Club Hosts Mixer


WAYNESBORO- The Rotary Club of Waynesboro will host a Mixer at the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, April 27, from 4 – 6 p.m. All members of the community are invited to attend.

“We have a very strong club” said Club President Derek Furry. “One of the reasons we’ve been
able to serve for over 100 years is because we always look for new blood and new ideas to help
people in the local area”.

The mixer will feature light snacks and beverages, with a number of club members present to
share stories and provide information.

“Our club is looking for new members. Mixers are among our most effective ways to let people
know who we are and what we do” said Joe Stewart, club Membership Chair. “We’re hoping to
see a lot of people who share our desire to maintain the quality of this entire area”.

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